vendredi 25 juillet 2008

Radio 2.0

Discovered an interesting site this morning, aiming at enhancing the synergies between new information technologies and the radio. These links can be particularly useful for the developing world. A specific article I recommend reading is about Community media and SMS text messages, which seems to prove to be an interesting linkage in developing countries. Here is an extract :

Internet connections and fixed line telephones are still out of reach for much of the world’s population, but mobile telephones have spread faster than any other communication technology in history.

“The only technology that compares to the mobile phone in terms of pervasiveness and accessibility in the developing world is the radio. Indeed, considered together, radios and mobile phones can serve as a broad-distribution, participatory media network with some of the same citizen-media dynamics of the Internet, but accessible to a much wider, and non-literate audience.”

A study of mobile telephone use by people from low-income households in seven Latin American and Caribbean countries indicates high level of SMS by the region’s poor, apparently attracted to the technology because of its low-cost.

Several examples of creative and helpful SMS services provided by medias are given in the article.

jeudi 24 juillet 2008

IntroNetworks summer webinar

I assisted today to IntroNetworks summer webinar.

This is a very powerful social network service. Interesting for large network. Subscription is $700 a year for up to 1000 subscribers.

The webinar itself lasted 30 minutes, and was explicative.

Un nouveau site ressource sur les outils collaboratifs

Il s'agit du réseau de compétences créé par les anciens collaborateurs d'Awele.

Certaines parties sont toujours en construction, mais il y a déjà beaucoup de ressources utiles.

mardi 8 juillet 2008

Code Swarm : the history of Python

Just watch the video, which is self-explainatory:

code_swarm - Python from Michael Ogawa on Vimeo.